The recipe for hands down the best brussel sprouts I’ve ever made or eaten.
Cookware required:
- cast iron pan (I used this Lodge 12” and it was perfect)
Tiny list of ingredients:
- 1 pound of brussel sprouts cut in half long ways
- 3 slices of good thick cut bacon
- 1 lime
- 1 tsp crushed garlic
- salt to taste
1. Preheat oven to 400°.
2. Put all 3 slices of bacon in a cold cast iron pan and slowly bring it up to med-high heat on the stove while the bacon cooks (if the oil smokes, your pan is too hot! turn it down!). Turn the bacon once after 7 minutes and cook until crispy (another 10 or so minutes). Remove the bacon and let it cool on some paper towels.
3. In the hot pan (with the bacon fat), place the brussel sprouts, cut side down. Let them fry for 5 minutes (no peeking, just let em cook), then move to the oven for an additional 5 minutes.
4. Remove from the oven, and quickly flip each sprout (I do this with my fingers but it can also be easily done with a teaspoon!) - don’t worry if they’re brown, they should be! Lightly salt and return to the oven for an additional 5 minutes.
5. While they’re roasting, break up one slice of bacon into a large bowl with the 1 tsp of crushed garlic. You can eat the other two slices of bacon (for all your hard work), or save them for making breakfast more awesome.
6. Roll the lime on the kitchen counter with medium pressure to get the juices flowing and cut in half.
7. Remove the pan from the oven, squeeze the lime over the brussel sprouts and then add to the bowl of bacon and garlic. Toss lightly, add a sprinkle more of salt and serve hot.
I have no idea what magic place my brain pulled this recipe from but it now goes on my “best things I make list”.