When I've fallen out of a healthy routine, it often takes me quite some time to get back into the swing of things. One of the worst things I can do is head straight to the gym on day one and work out how I used to. I've gone through that cycle a few times and it typically ends with me not going back to the gym. Not keeping up the routine. So I've been doing a lot of working out at home!Currently my routine is on all work from home days I do Yoga with Dr. Melissa West on Youtube then on my work from the office days I do the beginners stage of Nerd Fitness... for now. I also bought the book Fat Burn Revolution (really cheap used!), which I will be integrating asap as Nerd Fitness will get too easy pretty fast. So far I can say that every day I'm sore, and every day I sit a little taller and feel a bit more confident in my workouts. Due to my history with dropping off of workouts, I'm very excited about growing that confidence. I'm not concerned with what others think of me at the gym, but rather have a fear of hurting myself, and not being able to do these things.I hope your new year new fitness has been as exhilarating as mine (I also sit so much straighter at the desk)!